

FAQ’s refers to the list of Frequently Asked Questions by the users. User can navigate through all questions and view the answers. FAQ’s stands for Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) which have been predefined and contain valid questions and answers on LMS.


News refers to latest events or important news, being displayed and updated from time to time in the News section

Take Poll

Poll screen displays a list of questions to which the user checks a Yes or No option. The Poll result will be displayed in the form of a table

Click on Take Poll .It redirects to a page as shown in the figure below

Take Survey

Click on Take Survey. It redirects to a page as shown in the figure Below

Click on Begin Survey

Once Survey is done .click on Save Button


  • Latest Forums that have been placed recently will be displayed in the Forums as shown below.
  • Forum topics can be added to a particular course, then all the users assigned to that particular
  • course can participate in the forum discussion.

Click on Forum >>Click on Add Topic

After entering necessary details. Click on Forum topics can be seen in Dashboard discussions tab as shown in the figure below


Blogs are used to post a blog post on any a particular topic. The recently posted Blogs appear in the screen and user can also create a New Blog from this quick start icon. Blogs refers to set of topics which user can create or any other blogs created by other users. If user clicks on Blog, then the list of available blogs will be displayed and user can also create a new blog by clicking on Create New Blog. There are certain fields which user should fill and click submit button to publish the blog.

Click on Blogs

Click on Compose New Post

Click on Save .click on Publish If you want to Publish the post

Folder Management

Click on Personal Folders


Click on Join Conference .select Course name and Course schedule

Videos: Communication

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