Best Platform to Learn Everything

Welcome to Samvaad LMS


About Us

At Samvaad Infotech, we see Innovation as a clear differentiator. Innovation, along with focus on deep, long-lasting client relationships and strong expertise in education domain, drives every facet of our day-to-day operation.

Founded in 2020, inspired by the Atma Nirbhar Bharat Abhiyan call given by Honourable Prime Minster. We have grown through a culture of operational excellence, thought leadership, and delivering exceptional application services and solutions.

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LMS Features



Security & Privacy are of paramount importance to the success of an online course. Important security features in LMSs include user authentication, access verification, password integrity controls, and intruder detection.

SCORM Complaint

SCORM Complaint SCORM governs how online learning content and Learning Management Systems (LMSs) communicate with each other. It is simply a model that content creators and programmers can refer to

Add On

Add on 1. Digital writing pad for examination With Interactive Pad, you can control your Interactive Board from anywhere within your classroom. Its Wireless, cord-free operation equips the teacher with




Samvaad LMS can be divided into two categories – corporate and education.


Samvaad LMS can be divided into two categories – corporate and education.


Samvaad LMS can be divided into two categories – corporate and education.

LMS Features

Our Facilities

Global Certificate

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Q & A


Books & Library

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Meet our Teachers



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Buci elit cons equat ipsutis sem nibh id elit. Duis sed odio sit amet nibh vulputate cursus a sit amet . Morbi accumsan ipsum velit. Nam nec tellus a odio tincidunt mauris 

LMS Features

What Institutions Say



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From the News

Lakshayuvgala Geetarchana Hosted By Viswa Hindu Parishad

Lakshayuvgala Geetarchana Hosted By Viswa Hindu Parishad VHP authorities with

Tech4seva 2nd Virtual International Summit

Tech4seva 2nd Virtual International Summit Center for Innovation and Bio-Design

Jntuh Event Webinar

Jntuh Event Webinar JNTU-HYDERBAD webinar conducted on SAMVAAD Audio-video conferencing

Hangout with your virtual pals on Samvaad

Have a sip of coffee and discuss about project

Conduct brainstorming session with teammates on Samvaad

Make your workdays more chilling with Samvaad

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