
Schedule Assignments:

  • Click on Assignments and select Assignments in the dropdown, it navigates to Assignments page
  • Click on Add button to Schedule the Assignments Course wise
  • Enter the Course details as required
  • Admin or Trainer can able to schedule the assignment choosing particular Course and Chapter
  • Admin or trainer can set the Start and End date for a specific Assignment
  • Maximum Marks field defines what would be the pass marks of particular assignment
  • Click on Submit button for scheduling the assignment
  • All scheduled assignments will display on the Assignments page

Evaluate Assignment

  • Click on Assignment and select Evaluate Assignment in the dropdown, it navigates to Evaluate Assignment page
  • Enter Course details for a specific Assignment
  • Once you enter all fields Assignment details will display
  • Trainer can download student Assignment by Clicking Download
  • When Trainer click on Download, the Assignment will be downloaded
  • Trainer can Evaluate the Assignment and can give marks manually using Marks field

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