
& Privacy are of paramount importance to the success of an online course. Important security features in LMSs include user authentication, access verification, password integrity controls, and intruder detection. Privacy controls are also important to ensure that sensitive information is made available to the intended recipient only

  • Established in 2020 inspired by the Atma Nirbhar Bharat Abhiyan call given by Honorable Prime Minster Samvaad LMS is the Indian based Software.
  • Separate Login credentials for all the users like Admin, trainer, students It is the cloud based software with high security
  • IP Blocker: This function prevents any questionable or unwanted IP addresses from accessing personal information.
  • The administrator can also manually add IP addresses to the “Block List.” Hackers and suspicious groups will be unable to access the data on the LMS as a result of this. This technology can only help secure data to a certain amount; a manual review is required to prevent the greatest risk.

Data Storage for Backups: This tool automatically backs up all data, ensuring that crucial work and progress is not lost. This eliminates the risk of data loss due to infection. The backup storage can be used to restore all of the data. The backup storage choices for LMS vary depending on the company’s needs. Because LMS is customizable, storage solutions can also be subscribed to base on the company’s needs.

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